Open Source

Why I had a change in perspective on inventive thinking

While I was browsing through a bookstore with my wife the other night, I happened across a magazine on woodworking that caught my attention. It was a magazine of fine woodworking. As I picked it up and started to thumb through the first few pages, I was stopped dead in my tracks. "Oh my God" I muttered to my wife. "Oh my gosh, you're not going to believe it". I had to laugh slightly, but only to keep me from losing my mind. What could have that big of an impact you ask? An advertisement for a tool I created.. In my head.. Sketched on paper.. Several years ago in fact.. Just floating. But now, someone else apparently had the same idea, except that they did something with it! I said to her, "I should show you the drawing". She responded "I don't want to know", almost running away in disgust.

The funny but sad part is that this wasn't the first time this has happened. That's the main reason she almost ran away. It was "déjà vu". Once in Home Depot, once at bed bath and beyond,.. It was like a bad replay.. Kinda reminds me of an old "21 Jump Street" episode where Johnny Depp keeps going over the same 2.2 seconds of a surveillance video.. But anyway. My point is, I had what I can only call an epiphany... All these ideas that are floating around, some in my head, some on paper, what if they just disappear? Never to be realized or only for me to see more advertisements for stuff still stuck on my mental drawing board. So.. I've made the decision to do something.

I've decided to start an "open source" campaign for InventOnTheSpot! Yup, I've decided to feature one of my creations to share with you on an ongoing basis. They may be at different stages of development such as, "still in my head", "rough sketch", "detailed drawing", or "prototype", or even "someone beat me to it". The point is, I will share them with you all, to freely expand on them as you will. Trust me.. Some of them may be quite strange or ridiculous, some may need quite a bit more development, and others may prove to be rather useful. Either way, you can determine that on your own, and I always welcome comments on how they can be improved. Or if you have an invention that you are willing to share with the world, let's hear about it. The point is, the world is waiting to grow and if something we thought up helps that mission, let’s give it a go! If it doesn’t exist, make it exist!